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Aromatherapy Mist Sprays

Making Homemade Flower water

  • Fresh unsprayed rose petals, or lavender buds
  • Witch hazel, vodka or gin
  • Distilled water

Place rose petals in a quart jar.

Make a mixture that is a 3/4 witch hazel to 1/4 distilled water and pour over the rose petals, covering them and leaving an additional 2 to 4 inches of liquid about the flowers, Cover tightly and place in a warm, place out of direct sunlight. In a few weeks, strain and re-bottle for use. The more fragrant the roses, the stronger the scent of the rosewater. A few drops of pure rose oil will enhance the scent.

Hydrosols are usually a by-product of essential oil production, but the highest quality hydosols are expressly steam distilled from fresh floral and plant material strictly to produce hydrosol (the hydrosols offered by Mountain Rose Herbs are produced in this fashion). Hydrosols contain all of the essence of the plant in every drop, just like essential oils are much less concentrated. In most hydrosols there is less than 5% actual oil. Use hydosols as a replacement for distilled water in aromatherapy mist sprays, or use them alone as body mists and room sprays.

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